Pregnant Stretch Marks: Simple Ways to Prevent it (5 TIPS)

Pregnant Stretch Marks: Simple Ways to Prevent it (5 TIPS)
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Preventing pregnancy stretch marks can be a very hard thing to do but in this section we will discuss simple tricks and techniques that can help get rid of stretch marks.

stretch marks
“Katie M. – Philadelphia:
I’m writing to thank you for this amazing product. I just had a baby last month and since I began having stretch marks I started using Stretch Mark Prevention Cream. I used it three times a day. In the third week using this cream I already saw that my stretch marks were becoming thinner and less apparent.” Read More…

Lets first discuss why these marks form.

It is quite simple actually. When your baby grows inside of you it expands your skin.

Since your skin is not used to being expanded at such large increments and at such a rapid pace; it actually tears your skin fibers. These result in the marks you see.

Why is it important to keep these marks away?

Although the marks do not present a major health risk, it can weigh quite heavily on your mind after giving birth.

Self consciousness is a big part of life and the last thing you need or want is to have to worry about how you look after giving birth.

Look at this way. If you take a balloon and blow it up, the skin of the balloon is nice and tight, no marks present. This is the same as your stomach during the pregnancy right? Now let the air out of the balloon and see what the skin of the balloon looks like now.

Yuk! It is wrinkly and stretched and does not look very appealing. We don’t want this to happen to you!

Note: If you have major weight gain during your pregnancy it is quite possible that no matter what precautions you take, they will have very little effect on the results after you give birth.

5 Simple But Effective Steps to Help Prevent Pregnant Stretch Marks

1. Eat the right foods to nourish your skin and baby:

Take your prenatal vitamins and eat the right amount of calories from healthy foods which provide plenty of calcium, protein, whole grains, and vitamin rich fruits and vegetables.

2. Drink plenty of water:

By keeping hydrated you will increase your chances of keeping your skin elastic.

3. Try not to gain weight too fast… easier said than done:

The faster you gain weight during pregnancy, the more likely it is that you will get stretch marks.

4. Keep your skin moisturized (breast, belly, lower back and sides):

This is the most important step in helping to prevent stretch marks.

We all know that if something is moist, it can bend and expand more easily. The same is true for skin (hence keeping it hydrated). If your skin stays moist it will expand and reduce the risk of pregnant stretch marks.

5. Continue using a moisturizer until you hit your target weight loss goal:

You will also want to continue using a moisturizer for about 1-2 months after you give birth. Keeping your belly moisturized when it is decreasing in size will also help reduce the risk for marks. If you have not hit your target weight in this time continue to use in moderation.

By following these simple steps it will greatly increase your chances of reducing these pregnancy marks but remember that it is hard to control nature and your body, so be realistic about your results.

What Cream is Best for Pregnant Stretch Marks?

We have heard about a lot of products but the one that gets great reviews from all its users is Revitol.

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