Amazing Health Benefits of Coconut Oil (SKIN, HAIR, OTHER)

Amazing Health Benefits of Coconut Oil (SKIN, HAIR, OTHER)
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Coconut oil is an amazing natural substance that has many health benefits and uses.

Every last part of the coconut is used for various purposes.

The shell for instance; is used to make carbon, which is used for many applications such as adsorbing precious metals such as gold and it is also used to filter water.

Health Benefits of Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil in its Purest Form has Many Health Benefits

Although many people know about coconut oil, it is not a commonly used oil and it also tends to be a bit more expensive than your usual household oil.

Coconut oil is one of the best oils to use for a variety of applications such as cooking, relieving ailments and anti-aging.

If you want to obtain the full health benefits derived from coconut oil, it is best to use cold pressed (unprocessed) virgin coconut oil.

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If you can, try to use coconut oil everywhere for a healthy lifestyle such as in your cooking, taking it orally, or applying it to the skin.

Coconut oil also contains beneficial fatty acids that promote general health.

So, what are the health benefits of coconut oil?

1.) Benefits of Coconut Oil on Your Skin

Your skin is the largest organ in the body and anything that is applied to the skin is readily absorbed into the skin.

That’s why it is not such a good idea to apply any type of skin cream that you buy at the stores, since they can contain ingredients that can actually harm your body. Most of the time, you’ll find a list of ingredients that can’t even be pronounced, let alone understand what its purpose is.

If you apply coconut oil to the skin on a daily basis, your skin will be supple and vibrant. Coconut oil will renew the skin cells and make the skin look younger and reduce wrinkles. It is also used to remove pimples, getting rid of dandruff, removing a stye and for various other skin conditions.

Rub a bit of coconut oil on your face or any part of your body such as your arms and legs and leave it on overnight. The problem with this is that your skin will be oily and you would have to use an old pillow or something like that to prevent your linen from becoming oily.

2. Taking Coconut Oil Orally

Coconut oil has many benefits when taking it orally. It has been shown to be very effective in fighting candida, yeast and also assists your body in fighting bacteria and viruses, making your body stronger to fight against disease.

Coconut oil is also beneficial for the heart.

One of the best oils to use for oil pulling is coconut oil. It will promote healthier teeth and gums and remove toxins and other harmful bacteria.

Use a teaspoon or two full of coconut oil and swirl it around your mouth. Do this for at least 15 – 20 minutes. Don’t swallow it, since you don’t want the harmful toxins entering your stomache. Get rid of it by spitting it into a container, otherwise it will clog your drains.

3. Benefits of Coconut Oil for Hair Growth

The rate of hair growth is mainly determined by your genetics.

Although there is nothing really that can make your hear grow faster, coconut oil is beneficial since it indirectly helps to grow your hear faster by making it stronger, reducing and preventing split ends as well as curbing hair loss.

If you reduce the split ends and prevent breaking, it will seem as if your hair will grow faster, but in reality, the hair will grow at its natural rate, without being held back.

4. Thinking of Using Coconut Oil for Weight Loss?

Coconut oil is known for increasing metabolism. Taking moderate amounts of coconut oil will reduce weight around the belly, but taking too much may have the opposite effect.

Using coconut oil to lose weight should not be the primary goal, but rather a secondary goal. If you want to lose weight, a healthy diet is key.

5. Benefits of Coconut Oil for the Thyroid Gland

Are you on thyroid medication? Want to get rid of your thyroid medication or at least reduce your dependency on it?

If you have an under-active thyroid, then the use of coconut oil can sometimes eliminate the use of medication or reduce it… it will also control or cure other thyroid related diseases.

6. How to Eat Coconut Oil

If you want to eat coconut oil, the most direct way is to take a spoonful of coconut oil on a daily basis…. however, it is just one way of getting the amount of coconut oil you want, since you will eventually have to force yourself to eat it.

As with everything else in life, variety is the key to ensure that you get the required amount of coconut oil that your body needs.

Use coconut oil  as a replacement for for sugar, when you cook with oil, as part of a salad dressing or any other recipe that requires butter or margarine.

7. Benefits of Coconut water

Coconut water is beneficial for weight loss, helps with acne when applied topically, assists with digestive problems and will also increase energy.

If you are sick and your stomach rejects everything else, coconut water might be the answer for you. If you want an alternative to sports drinks and want to feel better quickly after exercise, then drink fresh coconut water.

The health benefits of coconut oil cannot be ignored and every one should make an effort to include it in their diets.