How To Get Rid Of Red Marks From Acne (3 BIG TIPS)

How To Get Rid Of Red Marks From Acne (3 BIG TIPS)
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If you have ever suffered from acne then you know what a pain it can be when you are left with red marks on your skin.

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The good news is that there are many ways to make this redness seem less noticeable to the eye, but first a good place to start is knowing why we get red in the first place.

What Does it Mean?

When our skin becomes red from acne it is referred to as post-inflammatory hyper pigmentation and it is seen in the form of red or sometimes brown marks that is left behind.

As our skin attempts to heal from inflammatory lesions, many times we are left feeling embarrassed or unhappy with our appearances.

Something to remember, is that as a sufferer of acne, you are not alone in feeling this way or in dealing with this problem.

How Do I Get Rid of Red Marks Then?

If you are suffering from red marks from acne; there are many products, medications and home remedies that you can try that will be effective… sometimes you will have dramatic results and other times results will vary, depending on what you do.

Things to Try

Among these treatment methods are a few products, medications and home remedies that have become quite popular in acne sufferers within the United States, they are as follows: Check out what will work for you.

Chemical Peels

The use of chemical peeling has gained popularity over recent years due to their economical and convenient uses. A chemical peel consists of applying several layers of acid to the hyper pigmented areas in order to remove the top layer of the skin.

Some chemical peels that have become most popular and are highly recommended are Glycolic, lactic and trichloroacetic acids.


Hydroquinone is a topical treatment gel or cream used for hyper pigmentation.

Although it has been found effective in treating red marks from acne in some cases, it is generally used in patients who suffer from hyper pigmented areas such as age spots and freckles, and whose spots are brown instead of red in color.

Due to this reason many people suffering from acne do not see much improvement in their acne when using hydroquinone. Some side effects may occur and include burning, redness, stinging, rashes, and itching.

How to Get Rid of Red Marks Naturally by Using Home Remedies

Many patients suffering from acne and dark red acne scars have tried numerous home remedies such as tea tree oil or cider vinegar.

There are all kinds of different home remedies that exist today and have been found effective in treating and fighting acne.

Make sure that before you use any of them you read up on side effects, and talk to your dermatologist as some remedies may work better in some patients than on others.

Due to this it is important to seek the advice of a professional before treating your acne or instead of just leaving it untreated. Acne left untreated can become harmful to you and your body and can even lead to scarring of the skin.

Things to remember

If you want to get rid of red marks from acne and when treating acne it is important to remember that results will not show up over night.

Some treatments that will fade red acne marks fast and work wonders for those with less severe acne may not do a thing with acne sufferers who have severe acne.

In conclusion, the best thing for acne scars and redness or post inflammatory hyper-pigmentation requires strong dedication, patience, consistency, research, and general skin care knowledge.

Treating acne should always be overseen by a health care professional, whether it is a dermatologist or a physician.

Discuss with them your plans for treatment and see if they can offer any further suggestions or other treatment methods you may not have heard of.

This article provided some techniques on how to get rid of red marks from acne on the face and other body parts.

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